What's Railsberry?
Inspired by how much the EuRuKo2010 crowd enjoyed the beautiful city of Krakow, we thought - why not give them an excuse to come back?!
Railsberry is the European Rails Conference cooked by the crazy kids at Applicake. It's a treat for online friends who share the passion for dynamic languages such as Ruby and Javascript and their frameworks - Rails, Node and the yet uncooked frameworks of the future!

Recent @railsberry jam:

Aaron Patterson
Rails Core Team member

Yehuda Katz
Rails Core Team member

José Valim
Rails Core Team member

Marcin Bunsch
Wannabe Batman

Sebastian Deutsch
CoffeeScript Advocate

Mariusz Łusiak
Code Sailor

Jon Leighton
Rails Core Team member

Konstantin Haase
Rack and Rubinius Core Team member

Elliott Kember
Rum and Code

Linda Liukas
Rails Girl

Tom Stuart
Ruby Scientist

Zach Holman
Some GitHub Guy

Corey Donohoe
Simple Man

Ben Orenstein
Vim Evangelist

Eric Redmond
Data Nerd

Josh Kalderimis
Travis CI Foreman

Xavier Noria
Rails Core Team member

Randall Thomas
Drunkard, Libertine, Programmer. In that order.
Tammer Saleh
International man of pragmatism

Patrick Huesler
Ruby "Eidgenosse"
Tim Lossen

You, Maybe?
Lightning Talk Speakers

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